The Diabetes program gives people living with diabetes, or at risk of developing diabetes, the knowledge and skills needed to become self-managers of their disease. A significant focus is on the prevention of complications by achieving optimal glycemic control.

We offer the following services for adults:

Group Classes

  • Prediabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes

Individual Counselling

  • Prediabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Glucometer Teaching
  • Post-gestational diabetes
  • Insulin Start/Titration

Together, the Diabetic educator:

Promote wellness through diet and exercise plans that work for you

  • Help you monitor your blood sugar, cholesterol, weight, blood pressure and feet
  • Screen for diabetes related complications
  • Help you understand and best use your medication, including insulin

If you are interested in participating in our diabetes education program please call 905-883-8778